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How I read 2 books a day
In this day and age, all you can do is garner as much information as you can. It doesn’t matter if it’s business, philosophy, or any unconventional knowledge, what you need to do is nothing but stuff your brain with knowledge.

You might ask why not focus on the quality and retention of the information you have and will acquire.
Glad you ask, I will answer all your doubts.
Why is reading important?
It is not about the knowledge that you can apply in your life, but the knowledge that you can stuff in your brain and regurgitate in your everyday life.
What’s better than being able to vomit out the whole Great Gatsby in a cafe conversation? Nothing.
How to read a lot?
Again, it’s all about how much information you can stuff in your brain, so using a highlighter or pen is virtually preposterous and stupid. All you need to do is to glance through the book and flip it like it’s your enemy’s head.
If you don’t want to break the book, then just imagine the book is the head of Lewis 16, Putin, or Charles Manson. Any figures that you are appalled by, you just imagine the book is that person, the pages will flip quicker than you think.